My Story

My journey to find my life purpose started over 20 years ago. I was in a stable and fulfilling job. I worked in the airline industry and landed a job with the airline of my dreams. 
But something was nudging me to start exploring work I could do from home. I started to explore different industries. I started studying proofreading and web design. But nothing resonated with me. So, I stayed with the company and applied for a vacancy at the airport. The work was stressful. I often worked 10 or more hours in one day. But I loved the interaction with our passengers and no day was the same. 
In early 2007, one of my older colleagues told me how tired and fed up she was with getting up during darkness and the stress she is subjected to. Listening to her made me realise that I don't want to be in her position at the age of 55. So, I started actively looking for something I can work from home and have a passion doing it. At the same time it would need to earn sufficient money. 
I did an online personality test and the test result was mind blowing. My life purpose is counselling, coaching or psychology. This test brought me closer to what I am here for. I studied for a diploma in life coaching and psssed with honours in 2009. 
Fast forward a few years, I had a soul plan reading done because I was still not too happy about my path. The soul plan reading revealed that my life purpose is teaching. I now bring my life experiences and studies about life purpose into my online courses and help my clients to achieve finding and living theirs too.